Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting Caught Up (Part 4)

                Today I really struggled with patience. Teacher Weeney was finally back to school today- not sure yet what my thoughts are towards her….she’s a bit more intimidating than Teacher Reza, and thus far less friendly towards me. I’m not really a fan of her classroom management and teaching styles either….she’s not very friendly with the students either, but she doesn’t really discipline them. Most of her teaching is just writing paragraphs on the board for the students to copy, and she rarely reads or explains what she’s writing to them…sometimes I wonder if they even know what they are copying down – especially when it’s in English. It was really frustrating to watch.
                In addition, the students were rowdier than usual today during the passing periods where it was only me in the classroom with them;  one of the boys threw one the girl’s ball out the window, and one little boy would not stop “hacky-sacking” a peso coin around the room! I had to use my teacher voice a lot today…but not sure how effective I was. One of the girls was especially clingy to me as well - it was very hard to keep from getting annoyed.
                A few positives from the day: in order to try and gain control of the classroom between classes, I taught the kids the game “Heads up, 7-up”, which was a big hit. They now constantly ask if we can play it. Also, the English teacher asked me if I would like to teach the lesson on Thursday – so now I’m teaching a lesson every day for the rest of the week! Am really excited to be up in front of the students! Planned my Bible lesson for tomorrow after dinner – the topic is “Memorizing the Bible”. Went to bed late because started updating the blog – it is taking longer than expected, but will be worth it in the end!

                The Bible lesson went SO WELL today! The students behaved very well and participated in the activities I planned for them – they seemed to be enjoying themselves, which is a positive change from what I often see. We discussed why it is important to memorize Scripture (to give us victory over temptation, to help us not be afraid, to help us tell others about God, to help us be like Jesus), and then learned a 5-step plan their LIFEPAC gave to help make memorizing easier (honestly, I wasn’t going to use it because no one really memorizes that way, but they have to know it for their test). As an example, we used the 5 steps to help them learn this week’s Bible verse, Philippians 3:14. I must have done something right because all of them could recite the verse to Teacher Weeney at the end of the day! I was very pleased with how everything went!
                As I reflect, I just feel so comfortable and confident in front of a class of children - it’s almost funny how much I love and enjoy it - even though it’s a totally different culture than I’ve ever taught in before. I have no doubt that this is what God created me for – that is such a wonderful feeling! But I just don’t know where….there are so many places in this world I could teach! It seems no matter where I go, I could picture myself as a teacher there: near home, Christian school, public school, inner city, the Philippines……I just keep praying God will show me what He has for me when the timing is right – that I would be so sure of His calling that there wouldn’t be any doubt in my mind. I’m working on waiting patiently until  His will is revealed – I am confident that He will complete the work He started in my heart and in the calling of my life.
                After school, 4 other girls and I went out on an adventure to a nearby mall – it was such a blast! It was really great to get out and experience the culture in a smaller group. We traveled partway by trike (a motorcycle-like vehicle with a cabin on the side to hold more passengers) and partway by jeepney – both were interesting experiences! Rode on the back of the motorcycle part of the trike (you fit 2 people and sit sideways)….was a little scary because they drive really close to cars, but was super fun and fast! This was my first jeepney ride where it wasn’t just Taylor people – they like public buses here, only smaller, so anyone gets on and off of them at different stops. It was 7 pesos to ride, and you just pass your money up to the driver – apparently everyone just trusts each other not to pocket it on the way up!
                The mall was fun – it was much smaller than one we went to this past weekend, but very different that American ones. There were stores like a hardware store, a store kind of like Walmart, and a McDonalds – all INSIDE the mall! We went in to the Walmart- like store and bought some food items that will travel well to talk home – they have REALLY interesting snacks here! We got a kick out of the Pringle flavors:  Blueberry-Hazelnut, Seaweed, Grilled Shrimp, Crab, and Lemon-Sesame! Noelle bought the Blueberry, Seaweed, and Lemon ones and we all tried them – they were surprisingly pretty good! I bought a jar of this really good peanut butter that we’ve been having at the guesthouse so I can bring it home – I don’t know exactly what’s different about it, but it’s REALLY good! We just walked down the aisles looking at everything for awhile. Another thing that’s different here is how many staff they have in the stores – there are seriously like workers stationed to stand at every few aisles!! At first we were wondering how the stores could afford all that, but we realized they probably aren’t getting paid much – at least not like they would be in the U.S.
                We also bought some treats to share at little shop called Brownies Unlimited – we’ve seen them everywhere and they always have REALLY GOOD looking brownies (all different kinds!) Walnut Marble was my personal favorite that we tried. We again experienced the “celebrity feeling” as we walked around – everyone staring and trying to get us to come into their stores (the people at McDonalds almost had a cow trying to get us to order – all we wanted to see was if their menu was different! It was, by the way….they sell fried chicken and some other non-typical McD’s food!). I still don’t know whether to be freaked out or flattered…..
                Another late night planning a lesson and blogging – tomorrow’s English lesson is about writing letters of invitation. Sat with Noelle, who was also planning – only she’s planning for teaching the entire day! She asked the principle if she could let her regular teacher have the day off (1st grade only has one teacher, they don’t switch yet) for her birthday tomorrow!  Hope her day goes well – she’s nervous.  She’ll do great though – from what I saw, her kids have a fun day planned for them! To bed – morning will come quickly.

                Extremely busy day today! Taught English lesson – they really like the game we played – but it took longer than I anticipated so the teacher is letting me finish tomorrow. I had to grade the student’s math tests from yesterday before their class as well – but I don’t mind even those less exciting aspects of teaching! Did my laundry for the 1st time since being here – combined with Catherine’s loads so we wouldn’t have to pay as much (although it WAS only 100 pesos a load). Had planned to Skype with J-Jay (he’s only a 2 hour time difference from here), but the internet is acting up again so I couldn’t get on…sad day. Hope I’ll be able to catch him next week before we leave.
                Planned my lesson for tomorrow – being observed!!! I’m really not nervous – the hardest part is just getting it planned! But I know the kids will be great, so I’m not too worried. Just hoping I remembered everything….
                Went up to the Children’s home for a bit this afternoon. The kids did not forget how I had taught them front-walkovers, nor my promise that I would show them a back handspring. Of course, they all wanted to try that, so I spotted them all for awhile – they aren’t quite as good at them as they were at the walkovers….I’m hoping they don’t try them by themselves……yikes. Also played for awhile with the two children with disabilities: Marcelle and Joy. Marcelle is 18, but she still lives at the Home because she functions about like a 5 or 6 year old. She is such a sweetie – her smile and laugh are the best!! Mostly she just likes to sit with you and have your arms be around her – and I am completely content to do so!
                Got a full body massage tonight for 250 pecos! But before you freak out and say “I thought this was a missions trip!” let me explain. Josie, one of the Long’s daughters, went to cosmetology school and has started her own section of the ministry where she trains women to cut hair, do nails & massages, etc. They offer their services to people staying at the guesthouse, and in return have a source of income for their families that they would not otherwise have. It’s a very cool thing – and the services are amazing! Very relaxing and enjoyable!
Well there you have it! The blog is officially updated! Now every post will actually be current!! YAY for last day of late night blogging!

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